Why is it hard to force yourself to lose weight?

slimming vegetables

Being overweight is a more relevant problem today than ever. It affects all strata of society and can appear at any age. Stressful life, improper nutrition "on the fly" become the reason why the body is exposed to constant stress, it begins to accumulate fat. How to force yourself to lose weight, realize that there is a problem?

How to overcome the psychological barrier?

Approximately one in three women in the world today faces a problem such as being overweight, but most do not seek to do anything about it, believing that nothing terrible is happening. For the most part, this is due to the fact that shedding the extra pounds is quite a complicated process that requires effort, and not everyone is ready for it. Some do not know where to start, how to lose weight correctly, and this becomes the reason for the aggravation of the situation. If you do not follow the rules of diet and weight loss, you can achieve the most unpredictable and often negative consequences. If you fast for a week, and then suddenly return to your previous diet and daily routine, you can only achieve weight gain, and very strong. It's hard to get rid of that weight, it keeps increasing.

Losing weight is sometimes very difficult. How to solve this problem? There are many tips that help to overcome the psychological barrier, to decide correctly what is most important for life and health. Only in this case is it possible to correctly work out a schedule not only for nutrition, but also for the rest of the daily routine, since diet alone will not help to solve all problems. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, walk more, be outdoors. You need to psychologically tune in to the fact that losing weight is quite real and not that troublesome.

To force yourself to lose weight, you must completely rethink your outlook on life. Being overweight is a problem formed by your own habits, the unwillingness to change something in your own life. But you cannot get rid of excess weight if you do not resolve the question of how to cope psychologically with the current situation. Any weight loss is not only a strict diet, but also an active lifestyle, a complete change of views on the daily routine, your own mood.

In order to lose weight easily and without harming your own health, you should consult with a dietitian, supervising doctor. After that, psychologically tune in to the fact that it is weight loss that will completely change your life for the better. So how do you force yourself to lose weight? You need to follow time-tested advice.

Why is it hard to lose weight?

What is the reason that losing weight is not so easy for many people? There can be several reasons, but there are only two main ones:

  • most likely it is a pathology, and in this case losing weight is not really easy;
  • The reason is that the person does not have enough will power to lose the unwanted weight.

As a general rule, it is the person who wants to lose weight for himself who raises the question of how to force himself to lose weight if there is no willpower. You want to lose weight and then stay in shape, but how do you develop willpower? Where can you get it if you don't have enough?

The process of losing weight is interconnected with mental work: change habits, convince yourself of the need to do it, be persistent in achieving your goal, adhere to attitudes and exercise. All of this is absolutely essential for a positive result. You need to be grateful for your effort, gain positive emotions, while realizing that food is just one way to gain energy, albeit enjoyable, but still not the main pleasure that you should strive for.

slimming exercises

There is no point in achieving something if a person believes that he really does not need it.

Perhaps a person needs support in the person of an instructor or someone else who can give clear instructions on what a person who wants to lose those extra pounds should do. In fact, not everyone can force themselves to observe the regimen for themselves. As the Italians say, wanting is power, and when it comes to weight loss, this is exactly the case: either a person wants and loses weight, or they don't want to. Finding the willpower to lose weight is not that difficult.

Before considering the psychological aspects associated with the lack of will to lose weight, it is advisable to undergo a physical examination and make sure that there is excess weight for this reason, and not because it hides any pathology behind it.

Establishing the cause of weight gain means getting as close as possible to solving the problem, because the diet to which the weight gain will adhere depends on the cause.

If the reason is presumably metabolism, then the diet will be specific. If a friend advised you on a diet, this does not mean that it will also be effective for you. Before blaming myself, saying that I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower, you must first make sure that this is the only reason and not a serious illness.

If there are no such problems, and the reason is only the lack of willpower to achieve the desired forms, then where to get the willpower will not be a mystery. Don't underestimate the meaning of the words; many things can be corrected by saying the right words. You should not wonder how to lose weight, if there is no willpower and convince yourself that there is no strength, it is better to work on setting a goal.

How to start losing weight?

It must be admitted that the problem of excess weight can no longer be ignored. Usually, even with heavy excess weight, many continue to comfort themselves that there is no problem, and "buns" are all the rage today. But this is far from the case, an impressive weight is a direct threat to physical health, deterioration of appearance and rapid aging. Therefore, it is necessary not only to weigh ourselves, but also to use the BMI (body mass index), a centimeter tape. Even old photographs and clothing can show that body weight is far from ideal. It is necessary to realize that the weight has increased, the appearance has changed for the worse. This is the first step that will help to resolve the question of how to adjust psychologically to lose weight.

The decision to lose weight is a difficult and responsible step that must be taken without hesitation. Many admit that there is excess weight, but that everything runs its course, since losing weight requires a complete change in the daily regimen, and not everyone is ready for it. Often times, the issue does not go beyond the conversations and the weight of the problem remains in place. If externally this does not bother you, then you need to think about the state of health, for which such an excess is harmful.

Therefore, you must take your will and start taking steps to improve your own condition. You need to plan how exactly the weight will return to normal, what actions should be taken for this. At this stage, it is necessary, together with a specialist, to develop a weight loss program, to determine a clear plan of action for the near future.

How to force yourself to lose weight without sacrificing your health? Some people think that one should immediately go on a strict diet or schedule a fast to bring the weight back to normal in a matter of days. But this is unreal. It is not only necessary to reduce the weight, it is necessary to consolidate the weight loss effect so as not to gain even more when the diet is completed. You can't eat almost anything for several days, so for the next week you literally pounce on the food, throwing all your kilograms and a couple more back on the load.

It is important to immediately understand that losing weight requires a certain period, for example, up to a year, during which the weight will disappear smoothly and correctly, ensuring the return of health. Don't worry if you don't get exactly the result you would like to see in the first week. You should create a schedule to clearly see what measures and when to use to lose weight. It is recommended to detail your diet, exercise, massages and walks. This will make losing weight an exciting psychological process, not a stressful one. You can not stop the diet in the middle or take long breaks, since the effect in this case will not be achieved.

The principles of good nutrition.

How to get rid of constant hunger? Hunger is the main enemy in this case; As a result, the habit of constant eating becomes a big problem. In many cases, hunger is a psychological problem. Nutritionists recommend not trying to overcome it, but simply to shape your diet in such a way that hunger does not arise during the day. You should eat 4 to 5 times a day, but divide your diet into small portions. If you really want to eat between meals, it is best to drink a cup of unsweetened tea, eat an apple. The portions themselves should be small, but include vegetables, fruits, but flour and sweets should be completely excluded or minimized.

fruits and vegetables to lose weight

The human liver can process almost any amount of food, but its composition must be selected in such a way that the nutrients do not become fat. Just 90-100 grams of carbohydrates is the maximum allowed per meal. More of them will simply start to turn into fats to lower the amount of sugar in the blood. That is why it is necessary to choose the right diet.

You can eat almost any food during the day, but you must pay close attention to its nutritional value. To effectively shed excess weight and maintain overall health, you should not consume more than 1000-1200 kcal per day. This will allow you to shed 160g of fat per day. A greater effect will be achieved due to the removal of excess water from the muscle tissue.

How to get off the diet correctly?

At the end of the diet, it is necessary to return to a normal diet without compromising health. Up to 2500 kcal per day are needed for life, but 1200 kcal is enough to lose weight. A smooth transition is necessary so that the weight does not start to gain again. It is recommended to eat at least 3-4 times a day. You should take up to 90g of carbohydrates at a time, eating before bedtime or at night is not recommended. Optimal proportions for the following meals per day:

  • protein - 90-100 g;
  • fats - 60-80 g;
  • carbohydrates - 350-370 g.

How can you psychologically change your lifestyle, begin to actively struggle with kilograms, which greatly complicates your life? To do this, it is not enough to realize that such a problem exists, it must begin to be solved immediately, and not be postponed for later. The diet should be strictly followed, not interrupted, not stopped before achieving the desired result. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve results relatively easily and quickly, restore health and an excellent appearance.